Services and Support

Connecting you to the right services

Below you will find information on local and national services that can help support your health in many different ways. Click through any of the tiles below to find out more information with links directly to their respective websites.


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We Are With You

We Are With You provides free, confidential support to people who have issues with drugs, alcohol or mental health. They work with people on their own goals, whether that’s staying safe and healthy, making small changes or stopping an unwanted habit altogether.

Addiction Family Support

A lifeline of safe, caring and professional support to families, friends and partners who are struggling to cope with the nightmare of a loved one’s addiction to drugs or alcohol and to those who have been bereaved by addiction or related causes.

Be Gamble Aware

Free, confidential help for anyone who is worried about their or someone else’s gambling. If you need help right away, call or live chat with an Adviser now through the National Gambling Treatment Service – available 24/7 for advice and help finding the right support.

Talk to Frank

If you have a problem with drugs Talk to Frank for friendly, confidential drugs advice.

Turning Point

Every 30 minutes someone leaves Turning Point’s services drink or drugs free. Turning Point offer you or a loved one a range of services depending on what you need, from detox and residential rehab to supported living and aftercare support.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.


Drinkaware is the UK’s leading alcohol charity. Working together with individuals, communities, academics, researchers, industry and governments, with a vision of reducing alcohol harm in the UK.

Autism & ADHD

National Autistic Society

Founded in 1962, they are the UK’s leading charity for autistic people and their families. Their goal is to help transform lives, change attitudes and create a society that works for autistic people.

Autism Independent UK

Autism Independent UK helps to increase awareness of autism to the notice of all, together with well established and newly developed approaches in the diagnosis, assessment, education and treatment.


They support people with learning disabilities and autism to have a louder voice, choice and control in their lives.


ADHDadultUK is a UK-based charity run by adults with ADHD for adults with ADHD. They provide evidence-based resources, support, and advocacy for adults living with ADHD, helping them navigate the challenges and barriers they face due to this neurodevelopmental condition.

ASD Helping Hands

ASD Helping Hands support those affected by an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) regardless of age or what stage of life they are at. They aim to offer guidance, practical advice and support whether you are personally affected or you are an associated family member, carer, friend or professional. 

Autism West Midlands

They are the leading charity in the West Midlands for Autistic adults, children, young people and those who love and care for them. Our passionate, expert staff and volunteers work across a range of age groups and abilities.


Child Bereavement UK

Child Bereavement UK help children and young people (up to age 25), parents, and families, to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. They also provide training to professionals, equipping them to provide the best possible care to bereaved families.

Sands Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Charity

Sands is the leading stillbirth and neonatal death charity in the UK. Sands exists to reduce the number of babies dying and to ensure that anyone affected by the death of a baby receives the best possible care and support for as long as they need it.

Compassionate Friends

TCF offers many different kinds of support for bereaved families. Whatever the cause of your loss, wherever you are in the UK, and whatever your circumstances – they are here to help.


Brake’s helpline is a quality accredited, Freephone, confidential support service, providing information and advocacy, emotional support and a listening ear for survivors of road crashes.

Scotty's Little Soldiers

Scotty’s Little Soldiers is a charity dedicated to supporting children and young people who have lost a parent serving in the British Armed Forces.

Child Death Helpline

The Child Death Helpline aims to provide a quality freephone service to anyone affected by the death of a child of any age. Callers to the helpline might be parents, grandparents, siblings, other family members, friends or involved professionals.

Cruse - Bereavement Support

They help people through one of the most painful times in life – with bereavement support, information and campaigning.

Hope Again

Hope Again is the youth website of Cruse Bereavement Care. It is a safe place where you can learn from other young people, how to cope with grief, and feel less alone.

Cancer Support

Macmillan Cancer Support

Physical, financial and emotional support to help you live life as fully as you can.

Orchid - Fighting Male Cancer

Orchid exists to save men’s lives from testicular, prostate and penile cancers through pioneering research and promoting awareness.

Cancer Research UK

Free information service provided by Cancer Research UK about cancer and cancer care for people with cancer and their families.

Live Well With Cancer

Making day-to-day life a little bit better for people living with cancer.

Breast Cancer Now

Breast Cancer Now aims to change the lives of people affected by breast cancer by combining the power of research and support. Anything and everything to do with breast cancer, whatever you’re going through, whoever you are, they’re here to support.

Prostate Cancer UK

Have you or any of your loved ones recently had prostate surgery and are experiencing issues? Are you interested in meeting others who, like you, are coping with these issues?

Carer Support

Healthy Lifestyles Coventry

HLS Coventry supports carers, for free. Taking care of your own health and wellbeing is so important in order to look after the person you care for and feel the best you can.

Carers UK

Carers UK is both a supportive community and a movement for change. They’re at the forefront of the carers’ movement, bringing carers together to have a voice and deliver lasting change, campaigning until we can all look after loved ones without putting our own lives on hold. 

Carers Trust

Carers Trust work to transform the lives of unpaid carers. Partnering with its network of local carer organisations to provide funding and support, deliver innovative and evidence-based programmes and raise awareness and influence policy.​ 


Diabetes UK

Diabetes UK are the leading charity for people living with diabetes in the UK. Their vision is a world where diabetes can do no harm.

Diabetes Coventry and Warwickshire

A hub of diabetic information, support, symptoms, events and contacts for patients across Coventry and Warwickshire. is a community website focusing on providing a comprehensive, supportive and independent experience for our visitors from across the world.

NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme

The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme is a free service, available to all those at risk of type 2 diabetes. The programme will help you make positive lifestyle changes, reduce your blood sugar levels and reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Disability Support

Guide Dogs UK

Guide Dogs UK offers a wide range of services with and without dogs to support people living with a vision impairment.

Deafblind UK

Deafblind UK supports people with combined sight and hearing loss to live the lives they want. Losing your sight and hearing can be frightening. The charity’s team of experts is here every step of the way to show you life beyond sight and hearing loss.

Limbless Association

A support group for amputees or those about to become amputees and their families, carers and friends to seek answers to common problems. Offering both practical and emotional support for amputees throughout their pre and post-amputation journey

Contact: For families with disabled children

Contact supports families with the best possible guidance and information. For every shape and size of family, whatever they need and whatever their child’s disability. Contact offers programmes, 1 on 1 support and also continue to influence policy, campaigning to tackle the inequalities families face.

Disability Rights UK

Disability Rights UK is the UK’s leading Disabled People’s Organisation (DPO), led by, run by, and working for Disabled people. They work alongside other DPOs, as well as campaigning policy makers and Government across the UK to influence regional and national change for better rights, benefits, quality of life and economic opportunities for Disabled people.

RNID: Action on Hearing Loss

The Royal National Institute for Deaf People work with communities and partners across health, employment, research, government and more to change life for the better. Partnering with organisations to break down the barriers faced by people who are deaf, have hearing loss and tinnitus. 

Domestic and Sexual Abuse


Are you experiencing domestic abuse? You are not alone. The Helpline can help you find a refuge vacancy for you and your children.

Freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline for women & children: 0808 2000 247


Are you experiencing domestic abuse? You are not alone. The Helpline can help you find contacts to your local male victim’s domestic abuse service, access refuges / safe houses for male victims.

Freephone, Mon–Fri 10am-5pm Helpline for Men: 0808 8010327

Survivors UK

Survivors UK provide a national online helpline, individual and group counselling for boys, men and non-binary people aged 13+ who have experienced sexual violence at any time in their lives. They also offer emotional support through the justice system, support for friends and families of survivors, and training for professionals and organisations.


SafeLives is a UK-wide charity dedicated to ending domestic abuse, for everyone and for good. Using evidence and survivor voice to continuously improve the response to domestic abuse, working with organisations across the UK.

Rape Crisis

Rape Crisis England & Wales is the feminist charity working to end child sexual abuse, rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment and all other forms of sexual violence.

24/7 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line for anyone aged 16+ in England and Wales: 0808 500 2222


Panahghar, an Urdu word for “safe house,” is a charity based in Coventry that aims to help Asian woman and their families in the region who have experienced domestic abuse.

Victim Support

As an independent charity, working towards a world where people affected by crime or traumatic events get the support they need and the respect they deserve. They help people feel safer and find the strength to move beyond crime. Support is free, confidential and tailored to your needs.

Coventry Haven

Their aim is to help women and their children who have been or are being subjected to, domestic abuse in any form to free themselves from the situation they are in by providing safe housing and a range of support services, before during and after leaving their abusive partner/family member. We will assist you through your whole journey. These services are run by staff and volunteers and are free of charge.


Roshni supports Black and Minoritised communities affected by domestic abuse, a leading provider supporting survivors through their journey.

24 Hour Multilingual Forced Marriage & Honour Based Abuse Helpline: 0800 953 9777

Safe to Talk - Coventry City Council

A hub of information for those living in Coventry, for all ages and genders, for those experiencing (or have experienced) domestic abuse and those supporting victims.

Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre

CRASAC is the only specialist service in Coventry which provides support for adults and children who have been impacted directly or indirectly by sexual violence or abuse at any time in their lives. This includes online abuse and exploitation.

Healthy Living

Healthier Families

Healthier Families, the new home of Change4Life. It exists to motivate and enable the nation to lead active and healthy lives. It’s there to support and encourage all of us in taking steps to improve our physical and mental health.

Healthy Lifestyles Coventry

The Healthy Lifestyles team is on hand to help and support you. They can work with you to identify small changes that you can make, as well as supporting you to achieve them. Whether you’re thinking about losing weight, giving up smoking, getting more active or just improving your overall wellbeing, they are here to help you.


Since 1996 Patient has been giving trustworthy content, information, and advice to help patients get a better understanding their health. Patient is trusted by people and healthcare professionals around the world.

Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice give people the knowledge and confidence they need to find their way forward – whoever they are, and whatever their problem. They are here to help everyone who needs it with a wide range of practical advice you can trust. They are a national charity with a network of local charities to offer confidential advice online, over the phone, and in person, for free.

Mental Health

Mind Coventry and Warwickshire

Mind is an independent charity overseen by a board of local trustees. Their objective is to ensure that every individual facing mental health difficulties receives the necessary support and the dignity they deserve. This may involve providing access to information, offering a compassionate ear, or delivering more specialized support and services to assist individuals in living with and recovering from their mental health conditions. Coventry and Warwickshire Mind caters to individuals of all ages, including children, adolescents, and adults.

Talking Therapies

Individuals aged 16 and above who are experiencing low mood, stress, depression, or anxiety may benefit from the free and confidential mental health support provided by Coventry, Warwickshire, and Solihull Talking Therapies.

Coventry Wellbeing Hub

Open six days a week for mental health support, the Wellbeing drop-in hub provides a safe, secure environment for anyone aged 18+ living in Coventry to socialise, partake in activities and chat with their friendly team of support workers.

Rethink Mental Illness

They are the leading expert charity for people with serious conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, offering practical help guided by what works. Every year, their diverse range of information and support helps tens of thousands of people get through crises, live independently and feel that they do not have to face mental illness alone

Don't Panic (Audio Self-Help Guides)

The Don’t Panic series of audio self help guides is designed to provide people with easily accessible information about common mental health difficulties.

Sexual Health Help

Coventry and Warwickshire Sexual Health Hub

Free, confidential services for all ages, online and in local clinic offering advice and guidance on contraception, STI testing & treatment, and HIV treatment and support including HIV prevention medication. They also offer contraceptive options such as: fitting long acting reversible contraception including hormonal and non-hormonal coils and contraceptive implants, Depo-Provera injectable contraception, oral contraception, condoms (internal and external) and lube.

Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre

CRASAC is the only specialist service in Coventry which provides support for adults and children who have been impacted directly or indirectly by sexual violence or abuse at any time in their lives. This includes online abuse and exploitation.

Quick Links:

Call 111 or visit 111 online– NHS 111 can help if you think you need medical help right now. You can get help from NHS 111 by calling 111, by using it within in the NHS App or by using 111 online. Please note that 111 online will not give you a diagnosis, but will direct you to the best place to get help for your symptoms.

Coventry Walk In Centre – The Coventry walk-in centre is open from 8am to 10pm and is a GP-led service, open to registered and unregistered patients with or without an appointment, 365 days of the year.
Contact: 024 7696 4199
Address: 2 Stoney Stanton Road, Coventry CV1 4FS

Coventry and Warwickshire Sexual Health Hub
Contact: 0300 247 0069.
Address: West Orchard Shopping Centre, Smithford Way, Coventry, CV1 1QX

CRASAC – Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre
Contact: 024 7627 7777

Age UK:
Contact: 024 76231999
Address: 7 Warwick Row, CV1 1EX

NHS Talking Therapies: (Formally IAPT)
Contact (for existing clients): 02476 324 370
Contact (for new referrals): 02476 671 090
Address: CITY OF COVENTRY HEALTH CENTRE- 3rd Floor, 2 Stoney Stanton Road, Coventry, CV1 4FS

Contact: 116123 or 08457 909090

Drug & Alcohol Service:
Contact: 02476 010241

GOV.UK Taking Sick Leave From Work

Coventry Council Housing
Housing Options 02476 834 025

Adult Social Care
024 7683 3003

Children’s Social Care
024 7678 8555
Out of hours: 024 7683 2222.

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