Trainee & Locum Doctors

Trainee Doctors

Park Leys Medical Practice is a training practice. We have qualified junior doctors who work with us for 4-12 months.

These doctors are at various points in their medical career. They are supervised at all times by the GP’s within the Practice. After they have been with us for a few weeks they run their own clinics and are given longer consultation times with their patients.

Although they are seeing patients independently, they have immediate access to a supervising doctor. Not infrequently they will ask the supervising doctor for advice during a consultation, either on the telephone or by asking the supervisor to come into the consultation – this is to be expected and is an important part of the junior doctors gaining informed and guided experience.

We feel that training the next generation of doctors is critical. Without this valuable work, the future of medical care in this country would be limited.

Not only do we need doctors now but we will all need doctors in 10-20 years time. We hope that you feel able to help in this important work.

If for some reason, you would prefer not to be seen by one of the trainee doctors, please let reception know when you book your appointment.

Locum Doctors

Occasionally you will be seen by a locum doctor.

We do not often need to use external locums but sometimes, usually due to staff ill-health, it becomes necessary.

Locum doctors are always fully qualified General Practitioners.