Medical Records

Summary Care Record

Your Summary Care Record is a short summary of your GP medical records. It tells other health and care staff who care for you about the medicines you take and your allergies.

This means they can give you better care if you need health care away from your usual doctor’s surgery:

  • in an emergency
  • when you’re on holiday
  • when your surgery is closed
  • at out-patient clinics
  • when you visit a pharmacy

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You can add more information by asking your doctor. This could include:

  • health problems like dementia or diabetes
  • details of your carer
  • your treatment preferences

When you are treated away from our practice, the health care staff there can’t see your GP medical records.

Looking at your SCR can speed up your care and make sure you are given the right medicines and treatment.

Staff will ask your permission to look at it (except in an emergency where you are unconscious, for example) and only staff with the right levels of security clearance can access the system, so your information is secure. You can ask an organisation to show you a record of who has looked at your SCR – this is called a Subject Access Request.

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