Patient Registration

New Patient Registrations

You are now able to register with us online by clicking here

Please ensure you check your home address falls within our practice boundaries by clicking here (you can also scroll to the bottom of this page) or by speaking to one of our receptionists before completing any forms. Registering is a quick and simple process, we aim to have all new patients registered within 2 working days of receiving your forms.

Alternatively, you can register by printing a new patient registration pack and handing it in to reception. Please be aware you may be asked to provide ID (eg: driving licence, passport) and proof of address (eg: bank statement, council tax) to confirm your identity and ensure you are within our boundary.

Changes to registering – 23/10/24

The previously used GMS1 form is no longer accepted. The fastest and most convenient way to register is by doing so online. If you would rather complete a physical registration form you can do so by downloading the form below and bringing a printed completed form into any of our surgeries. Physical copies will no longer be provided by the practice.


Regular Medication

If you are on regular medication, we will need a list of this which you can obtain from your current GP, or provide us with the back page of your prescription.

Eligibility For NHS Treatment

To be eligible for NHS treatment you should be a resident in the UK or be on holiday from a country that has a reciprocal agreement with the UK. Please ask if you are unsure as charges may be incurred if you are not eligible for NHS treatment.

Registering Children

In order to register any children we require information regarding childhood immunisations. In the UK this information can be found in the red book that all children are issued with at birth. If you have moved here from outside the UK, any documentation you hold of childhood immunisations will be required and will need to be translated into English if not already done so. We also cannot register any children without a parent or guardian also being registered at the practice.

Allocated GP

To meet our contractual requirements, all of our patients are allocated a Named and Accountable GP on registering with the practice. For all new patients we do this alphabetically based on surname as followed:

A-G: Dr A Smithers | H-N: Dr P J Horn | O-T: Dr J Harper | U-Z: Dr A Somerset

For those patients who are already registered you can contact the surgery to ask which GP you have been allocated to – this does not prevent you from seeing any GP of your choice.


It is a contractual obligation that all GP practices record the ethnicity of their newly registered patients, this is located on the GMS1 form. If you do not wish to disclose this information, there is an option to select “not stated” which can be ticked when a person had been given the opportunity to state their ethnic category but chose not to.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you currently taking new patients?

Yes we are currently accepting any new patients provided they live within our boundary.

How long does it take to be registered?

Once we have received the correct paperwork we aim to have new patients registered within 2 working days, however this can take longer during times of unexpected staff absence.

Can I make an appointment without being registered?

You cannot be seen by one of our clinicians without being registered, however in cases of new born babies and emergencies we may be able to make you an appointment provided you are able to come into the surgery at least 25 minutes prior to the appointment time to complete the registration paperwork.

I used to be registered and would like to re-register, how can I do this?

If you were previously registered with the practice and would like to return you will still need to complete new registration forms as if you were a completely new patient and you must provide proof of address.

I’ve recently moved and am no longer in your practice boundary, what do I do?

You must inform the practice of any address changes. If you no longer fall within our practice boundary you will need to find a new surgery to register with. Once we have been informed that you are no longer in our area you will have have a 30 day window where we will continue to see you as a patient. Once our duty of care period ends you will be automatically deducted from our surgery.

I’m temporarily living within your boundary, can I register?

If you are temporarily living within our boundary and require immediate medical treatment you can register as a temporary patient. To do this you will need to come into the surgery to complete the relevant forms and the receptionist will arrange an appropriate appointment. Please note we must prioritise our permanent patients, if we have no appointments available you may be directed to go to the walk in centre or A&E. You can only register as a temporary patient if you are currently in need of medical attention, we will not accept registrations being made outside of these circumstances.